Sep 11, 2010

Oh Boy

I want to thank you all so much for your prayers! The work is hard. But it is totally worth it. they really put you in a place to connect with God, and they force you into a place to connect others to God haha! But I'm loving it here. If you guys want to pray specifically for me I would like prayer for focus on God and a wholeheartedness on His work in me. I am doing ok financially learning to not spend so much money since I don't have a job (God specifically told me not to get one) so you could pray for that as well. I am very blessed! I am home sick and I'm eager to come back to visit home. Right now the soonest I will be able to visit is in 10 weeks (Thanksgiving) but I am right where God wants me I'm sure of that. Also if you could pray that I continue to hear His voice more and more clear every day! thank you so much! God bless you all!

and if you see my family members tell them I love them!
