My Questions for Mary

as a school assignment we had to write twenty questions for Mary the mother of Jesus that we would ask her if we ever met her or had an interview with her or something. This is based off of Max Lucado's 25 questions for Mary. So here are the questions that I pondered up...

Questions for Mary
1.      When you and Joseph accidentally left Jesus at Jerusalem and you found Him in the temple did you punish Him for wandering off, away from the group?
2.      Did Jesus ever share Bible stories from His perspective, what was Bible time like?
3.      Was there ever a time Jesus came home crying because of mocking or persecutions, because people thought He was born out of wedlock?
4.      When and how did you explain to your other children that their brother was the prophesied coming seed and God in the flesh?
5.      Did you ever take phrases that Jesus said at the dinner table and meditate on them?
6.      Knowing that He was God, when did you begin to see a stray from the formalities and the mold of the normal growth of a human child because He was different? And…
7.      What was the first thing He did or didn’t do that made it evident that He was more than a human being?
8.      How would you describe Jesus in your own words?
9.      Did you ever just get lost in His gaze?
10.  How did you and Jesus respond to the death of Joseph, and how did Jesus take care of the family?
11.  Does Jesus look more like you or like His father?
12.  What kinds of things did He inherit from you if any? Like, his nose, hair color, laugh, smile, etc.
13.   What was Jesus’ relationship like with His brothers and sisters? Did they despise Him because of perfection, or did they look up to His humble leadership?
14.  Did Jesus ever have a best friend growing up, like a boy His age?
15.  Did Jesus as a baby ever sleep with a blanket or some stuffed animal or something?
16.  Was Jesus more of a Momma’s boy or Daddy’s boy? Who was He more inclined to go to for things?
17.  What was it like raising the perfect child?
18.  What was different from raising up Jesus as compared to your other children?
19.  When your family found out you were pregnant outside of marriage how did they take the news?
20.  Who was a more talented carpenter? Jesus or His father Joseph?

Hope you enjoyed these! I would encourage anyone to try and come up with some on your own, for me it really opened my eyes to the humanity of Jesus and thinking "He really is a man and He really did grow up on this earth, as a child." not only that but also "He really is seated at the right hand of God and infinitely loves me on a personal level!" Blessings!