Mar 26, 2011

The Song of all Songs

Well its kind of weird to think but I only have a week and a month left of school! It's gone by so fast! But I'm not done yet! I've got plenty of work set out for me so thats nice. Thank you all for your prayers I am doing so good! I'm just loving the classes that I am taking! and just loving the Lord!

One of the classes we are taking is Song of Solomon, which before IHOPU I wouldn't touch that chapter had no idea what it was about thought "well this is weird" and just left it at that; I had no idea that it was mainly a picture of God's loving relationship with His people and more specifically Jesus' love song for His Bride! The Song of Solomon, or the Song of Songs literally means "the greatest song ever written", just as we say Jesus is the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings; this song is the Song of all Songs so it must be about Jesus! and it is.

Though there is a lot of symbolism in the song, what the Lover (Jesus) says to the Shulemite/Beloved (Bride) are true realities! When Jesus says His first line "If you do not know, O fairest among women..." (Song 1:8) He is really saying you specifically to you (if you are a believer and love Jesus) that you are His favorite , that He chooses you above all! 1 John 4:19 talks about how He first loved us and thats why we love Him! This is just one of the doodads that I have run into while diving into the pool of Song of solomon!

Well I'm gonna eat a bagel while I prepare myself for the day! blessings to all!

Mar 21, 2011

Praise the Lord for Spring!

It is finally Spring!

Praise God! it is 78 degrees out right now! Yesterday I played ultimate Frisbee in my bear feet, no I'm sorry I played in bare feet, which for those who know me is totally out of my comfort zone cuz I hate not wearing shoes, or socks! But it was so freeing and I had a blast! and it was good to exercise!

First of all I want to thank you so much for your prayers and support! The Lord has recently given me a job that I love even without me searching for one! during the first semester He told me not to get one (so glad I didnt') and then I felt from the Lord just to wait concerning a job this semester and He is so Legit! my job is working in the parking lot department at IHOP which what we basically do is direct traffic in the parking lots during weekends and events!

A friend of mine recently told me of a Psalm that was really rocking him so I thought I would check it out. OH MY GOODNESS! Psalm 37 is so full of the inheritance we have as believers in the Lord! I would totally encourage anyone who is hungry for the Lord to eat this passage, to just dialogue with the Lord when you read it! read and re-read this passage, when you get to a phrase that blows your mind, repeat that one and say it to the Lord you know like "those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth." SMACK! or whatever hits you like a rock to the gut. The thing about the word of the Lord is that it isn't just a cool phrase that helps us out when we're down, it does that, but the living Word of God is so powerful that when you truly believe that "the mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue talks of justice. The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide" then you will begin to proclaim it which is defeating strongholds of the enemy because what did Jesus do in the wilderness? He said "it is written" speaking the Word of God to defeat the enemy! all in all if we want to see breakthrough in our lives we need to begin to speak the Word of God with faith believing that it will come to pass, because it will.

for your ease of axcess I am going to upload this chapter and other chapters that will in due season be hitting me! and I encourage you to let me know what the Lord is speaking to you guys; I love to hear testimonies of the Majesty and faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Well thank you for reading you guys! I love y'all please keep me in your prayers and I will be praying for y'all! alight! BYE!

Mar 10, 2011

Spring Break

Hello wonderful people!

I have been so blessed this past week! I am now at home in Houston, Tx and My sister is getting married! So there is a lot of busyness going on, and a lot of excitement! Well I am doing well. I am glad that I get to spend a week with Lindsay my girlfriend! She is coming up next week to Kansas City!

The hardest thing about being home probably is being away from the rigorous schedule of prayer room hours, classes, and all the other stuff. And I've been waking up super late compared to what I normally wake up at. But I've been doing well! The Lord healed my Mom's shoulder after months of pain on and off! She had gone to the Chiro-practer but no dice, and so a friend of mine and I prayed for her shoulder and she felt the majority of the pain leave! Praise God!

What a faithful saviour we have! I have lately been hanging out in Psalm 37, and man it is full of zingers! verse 7 says " Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...". I have been learning what it means to meditate on the Word of God, and it has been really awesome! I find that I am truly finding my delight in the Word of God and my Strength really come from Him and Him alone! When we feed our spirit man then our true self is strengthened! but if we feed our fleshy man with the things of this world then we will live out of our own strength and cannot even follow God, we will fail miserably. That is something I'm learning; so I've been asking myself: who am I feeding more? am I resisting the pleasures of the world and partaking of the good fruit of the Word of God, or am I only taking the crumbs of God and gorging on the things that 'satisfy' the flesh?

If you find yourself where I found myself after that questing (the gorging hahaha) then I would like to encourage you to begin to meditate and pray read Psalm 119 and begin to ask the Lord to give you that desire for His Word and surely He will!

God bless you all!
