Mar 26, 2011

The Song of all Songs

Well its kind of weird to think but I only have a week and a month left of school! It's gone by so fast! But I'm not done yet! I've got plenty of work set out for me so thats nice. Thank you all for your prayers I am doing so good! I'm just loving the classes that I am taking! and just loving the Lord!

One of the classes we are taking is Song of Solomon, which before IHOPU I wouldn't touch that chapter had no idea what it was about thought "well this is weird" and just left it at that; I had no idea that it was mainly a picture of God's loving relationship with His people and more specifically Jesus' love song for His Bride! The Song of Solomon, or the Song of Songs literally means "the greatest song ever written", just as we say Jesus is the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings; this song is the Song of all Songs so it must be about Jesus! and it is.

Though there is a lot of symbolism in the song, what the Lover (Jesus) says to the Shulemite/Beloved (Bride) are true realities! When Jesus says His first line "If you do not know, O fairest among women..." (Song 1:8) He is really saying you specifically to you (if you are a believer and love Jesus) that you are His favorite , that He chooses you above all! 1 John 4:19 talks about how He first loved us and thats why we love Him! This is just one of the doodads that I have run into while diving into the pool of Song of solomon!

Well I'm gonna eat a bagel while I prepare myself for the day! blessings to all!

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