Mar 10, 2011

Spring Break

Hello wonderful people!

I have been so blessed this past week! I am now at home in Houston, Tx and My sister is getting married! So there is a lot of busyness going on, and a lot of excitement! Well I am doing well. I am glad that I get to spend a week with Lindsay my girlfriend! She is coming up next week to Kansas City!

The hardest thing about being home probably is being away from the rigorous schedule of prayer room hours, classes, and all the other stuff. And I've been waking up super late compared to what I normally wake up at. But I've been doing well! The Lord healed my Mom's shoulder after months of pain on and off! She had gone to the Chiro-practer but no dice, and so a friend of mine and I prayed for her shoulder and she felt the majority of the pain leave! Praise God!

What a faithful saviour we have! I have lately been hanging out in Psalm 37, and man it is full of zingers! verse 7 says " Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...". I have been learning what it means to meditate on the Word of God, and it has been really awesome! I find that I am truly finding my delight in the Word of God and my Strength really come from Him and Him alone! When we feed our spirit man then our true self is strengthened! but if we feed our fleshy man with the things of this world then we will live out of our own strength and cannot even follow God, we will fail miserably. That is something I'm learning; so I've been asking myself: who am I feeding more? am I resisting the pleasures of the world and partaking of the good fruit of the Word of God, or am I only taking the crumbs of God and gorging on the things that 'satisfy' the flesh?

If you find yourself where I found myself after that questing (the gorging hahaha) then I would like to encourage you to begin to meditate and pray read Psalm 119 and begin to ask the Lord to give you that desire for His Word and surely He will!

God bless you all!


1 comment:

  1. Cool Joel! Good to hear about ya! Hope to connect with you in person while you are in town.

    God bless you!

