Oct 30, 2010

Fall's Full Swing

Fall is in full swing! It is beautiful! I am right now working on a sermon outline talking about having confidence in the love that God has for us. It is nice. I finished reading Passion for Jesus yesterday and if you ever get a chance to read that book it is full of good tools and guidelines to grow in ... well passion for Jesus! I have begun to pack for California! I am so excited! I'm not really nervous, I know I'm going to be out of my comfort zone practically the whole time, but I am confident that the Holy Spirit will give me words to say in any situation. So thats were I'm at right now just gettin' ready for that and communing with the Lord and digging deep into the living Word of God!

So thank you all for your prayers and I can't wait to see you all during Thanksgiving break! Blessings!


Oct 28, 2010

A Week Away

it's Thursday night. A week from today I will be on the bus to California. Please be praying for us as we embark on what the Lord is doing over California. Please be praying for safety for our trip and supernatural faith and boldness!

I am doing good. I am very excited about California, I am asking the Lord for an increase in faith, because I don't want to put expectations on a God who is totally and completely Transcendent, and wholly other than us. The Lord is so faithful! I am so blessed with a wonderful family, and friends. Thank you all for your prayers!

As far as classes go we just finished an overview on Song of Solomon which is full of revelation! I can't wait to dive into that deep end! It is so awesome that we are being served so much of the Lord! But it's like being starving at a huge banquet, even though there is abundance of food, you can't eat it all in one sitting. Ok, well I've got to go to bed so I can wake up in the morning! Thank you all for your prayers and support! I love you all!


Joel Friedrich

Oct 22, 2010


Thank you all so much for your prayers!
Soon we (The students at IHOPU) will be going on our trip to California and to before we embark we are joining many college students across California in a 21 day Daniel fast. We will begin fasting on Oct. 24th, and will end Nov. 13th right at the end of the California trip. I would really appreciate prayer in that area because, frankly I'm not so great when it comes to fasting; who on their own is? I would love it if you could pray for grace from the Lord for me to fast. I don't know why I titled this post 'Friday', except the fact that it is Friday today. I need to be going to bed right now. I'm so tired. OK, that's really all I have to say I think. oh and I would love for anyone to post comments or whatever, anyone can do that. I think I want to start posting some of my sermons on here. I have been meditating on this one verse

Psalm 27:4. "One thing that I desire, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, and seek (inquire of) Him in His temple".

Oct 18, 2010

Support Letter

God is stirring the students at the International House of Prayer University (IHOPU), and I have an opportunity to be a part of history in the making. In November, I will be joining hundreds of other IHOPU students in a missions-strike called the Blitz!  that will target the heart of Southern California.

I was excited to attend IHOPU this fall, and I was full of expectation of what God would do in my life. Beginning in November last year, God has been pouring out his Spirit on the students of IHOPU in an unusual way. In fact, IHOPU has been having Awakening services most nights of the week for the last 10 months; hundreds of people have been healed physically, and hundreds more have been delivered of emotional bondages like depression and suicide. Not only that, but since all of the Awakening meetings have been streamed live via the internet, people have been touched all around the world.

Last Spring, IHOPU students descended the college campuses of Boston. They wanted to see the same manifestations of God’s power break out amongst college students at Harvard, and Boston University (and others) as we had seen at IHOPU.  God met them with power and they saw salvations won for Christ, as well as healings and deliverance power breaking out.

Now, we have set our sights on Southern California. In November, IHOPU students will descend on Los Angeles, Pasadena, Laguna Hills, San Diego, and other locations in the SoCal region. I will be preaching the gospel to the lost, praying for the sick, leading prayer meetings in local churches, and strengthening college students at local Universities. On November 11th, I will join thousands of college-aged young adults at the FIGHT!, a call to mobilize the next generation of missionaries who will finish the commissions to take the Gospel to every nation, tribe, and tongue.

This missions-strike isn’t covered by my tuition, and I’ve got to raise the monies needed to get to SoCal. I would like to ask you to pray about partnering with me financially to help me get to California. I’ll be in contact with you soon. 

If the Lord so leads you to partner with Him and His movement on Southern California then please e-mail me at: 

 or call me at 832-492-5570
Thank you! God Bless! 

Eric Joel Friedrich


Dear Friends!

God has called the entire student body of IHOPU to go to Southern California on a mission trip! We are going to bring the Spirit of the Lord to the college students of the State of California! I have the support letter to follow in the link below. In other news I've put up more pictures in the House page. Thank you all and God bless!

Support letter