Oct 28, 2010

A Week Away

it's Thursday night. A week from today I will be on the bus to California. Please be praying for us as we embark on what the Lord is doing over California. Please be praying for safety for our trip and supernatural faith and boldness!

I am doing good. I am very excited about California, I am asking the Lord for an increase in faith, because I don't want to put expectations on a God who is totally and completely Transcendent, and wholly other than us. The Lord is so faithful! I am so blessed with a wonderful family, and friends. Thank you all for your prayers!

As far as classes go we just finished an overview on Song of Solomon which is full of revelation! I can't wait to dive into that deep end! It is so awesome that we are being served so much of the Lord! But it's like being starving at a huge banquet, even though there is abundance of food, you can't eat it all in one sitting. Ok, well I've got to go to bed so I can wake up in the morning! Thank you all for your prayers and support! I love you all!


Joel Friedrich

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