Oct 30, 2010

Fall's Full Swing

Fall is in full swing! It is beautiful! I am right now working on a sermon outline talking about having confidence in the love that God has for us. It is nice. I finished reading Passion for Jesus yesterday and if you ever get a chance to read that book it is full of good tools and guidelines to grow in ... well passion for Jesus! I have begun to pack for California! I am so excited! I'm not really nervous, I know I'm going to be out of my comfort zone practically the whole time, but I am confident that the Holy Spirit will give me words to say in any situation. So thats were I'm at right now just gettin' ready for that and communing with the Lord and digging deep into the living Word of God!

So thank you all for your prayers and I can't wait to see you all during Thanksgiving break! Blessings!


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