Aug 27, 2010



This will be really short because I'm about to go to class but I just wannted to say hey to everybody and thank you for your prayers! I'm feeling like I could get sick soon so if you could pray for me about not getting sick I would appreciate that very much. God has been so faithful, and He has blessed me with so much! Also pray that I am able to finish the book we are reading and write a review on it by Friday, because I need to do that. But academically, I think I'm doing pretty good here!  I miss you all and I would love to hear from you! Thank you!
God bless you,

Written by,


Aug 20, 2010

Goodmorning Friends

lately I've been trying to go to sleep around 9:30-10:00 so that I can wake up early for my prayer room hours which are 6:00 to 9:30, Monday thru Thursday. But last night was the Awakening I didn't leave until almost 12:00. God is really moving in so many ways! I don't have the prayer room today but I have Mike Bickle's class today at 2:00 and then the Awakening is tonight again. The Awakening is every week Thursday thru Saturday and we're required to go, which is awesome, but I am very tired. But I'm so glad I didn't leave early because God really used me to touch others, which is really part of my role on earth if you know what I'm saying! We were made specifically to be with God the father, but because of the fall, and then Jesus conquering sin and death it is now our role to hasten the day that Jesus returns by reaching the nations and just touching God's people in whatever way He calls! Anyway sorry, but I've got to eat! Thank you all so much for your prayers and I will be praying for each of you, who are supporting me! God bless!


Aug 13, 2010

IHOPU Campus

I am Joel Friedrich and this is my IHOPU T-shirt that was free just like the love of Jesus Christ! Just kidding I had to pay for it indirectly but again it wasn't me who really payed for it. However, I am here in this picture. Oh the Lord really set me free from somethings that were holding me down that I didn't even know were. Last night we had our Awakening service which starts at 6:00pm, and to give you a hint of what went down, as I walked in people in the corner were already gettin' hit with the Holy Spirit and I didn't leave 'til midnight! Yes God did some wonderful things to me and I was able to feel His love for me for the first time in a looonng time! Praise the Lord! Today we got to visit our new IHOPU Campus although some parts are still in construction and let me tell you! woooweee! About a year ago IHOP heard prophetically that they were going to have a new campus for the IHOPU but for this to happen they knew they would need something like $10 million. A year later here we are in the present and God has provided for every cent and that is where I will go to school. Right now it is an intense thunder storm and I am watching the lightning and thunder, well listening to the thunder, with the lights off in my room spending alone time with the Lord. School has yet to start but I have already made friends who I feel like will be lifelong friends. When meeting other students here at IHOP there is no front put up, you can just jump into the stuff that is real when talking which makes friends so much faster. Everyone here is so cool! I can't wait for school. I was a little worried that I might not pass or I would do poorly, but then I was reminded that the Lord has brought me here, and He wouldn't bring me here to fail! Thank you so much for your prayers I miss home, my friends and family so much! And I miss YOU very much, yes you; who else do you think I'm talking to? YOU! haha sorry. Okay I'm going now, God bless!


Aug 11, 2010

Amazing Things!

Thank you so much friends for your prayers and support! I cannot begin to explain the things that have gone on in just the past two days! It has been some of the most incredible days of my life, and tomorrow will be day three! God has placed me in the center during this time and He has surrounded me with passionate people, men, and friends that are there to strengthen me, to encourage, and to help guide me as I follow the path that the Lord God Almighty has set before me! When I arrived in KC on Saturday I felt like I didn't know anybody here, but after tonight I just feel like I'm home, and these people around me are my family members. I can't wait to see what else will happen! Tonight the students were prayed for, for about two hours and it was just such an amazing power encounter with the Lord and the Holy Spirit was able to move in people and through them and give words and it was just such an amazing taste, to me, of what God has in store for all of us this year! I'm more excited about giving my existence and my mind, soul, and strength to God the Father and loving Him in all of those aspects. All I can say is that I want to thank you for your prayers and I encourage you to check out the Prayer Room tomorrow from 2 to 5 and you will witness what God is doing here. It is so powerful! Thank you again for your prayers and please just pray for me that I would have more energy and strength, and to have a greater capacity of heart and mind as I am flooded with the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord in this time! Thanks again! God bless!


Aug 9, 2010


Today was real chill. Woke up (late) ate breakfast, Eric and I went to the Prayer Room where my family was already. The Prayer Room is just so amazing, if you've never checked it out you can check it out live stream here. After that I met my dad and he gave me my new ultimate frizbee back cuz I left it at their hotel room. Then Eric and I left after being there for about an hour and forty five minutes. We got back home and I ate lunch and Eric went to get groceries. Then my family came to basically say goodbye, but they stayed and threw the frizbee around a little and planned their root on my laptop, and stole my printer (only because we couldn't get it to work so their taking it home, but since my sister Tiffany works for Dell we're hoping she can get us a deal on a new one. My family left after that... that was hard saying goodbye knowing I'm going to be 12 hours away and that this will be the first time to live away from home. But God is good and He has already given me new acquaintances (which hopefully in time turn into friends). After they left Eric and I went back to the prayer room for a while and met up with a friend of his named Joel who is doing an internship here at IHOP. Then we came home; I ate dinner (and took out the laundry) and now I'm listening to the Prayer Room, online! Well thank you all for your prayers and please continue to pray that tomorrow since that is orientation for me. And pray for my family to be safe as they go back home! I love you all! Thanks again, God bless!


Aug 8, 2010

New Friends

Today I met my third roommate, Eric (my first name is also Eric for those who don't know, but I go by Joel) and He is a really cool guy! He is from Iowa, and went to the same church that Francis Frangipane used to pastor at. Tonight we went with me my mom, my dad, Philip, and Michael to go out to eat for dinner. We ate at Jason's Deli and then went to my family's hotel where we swam in the pool! I got in the hot tub because I love hot tubs more than most things like driving in the rain, or a bad hair day. After that we came home and now we are just hanging although I should go to sleep soon. On Tuesday I will start Orientation so please keep me in your prayers, and keep my family in your prayers as they travel back home to Houston. I love you all and I am already missing home =(. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support! God bless!


Aug 7, 2010

My New Home


Praise the Lord, God is good! I'm writing from my new room in my new home! I live off of the corner of Walrond Ave. and St. Catherines Ln. and I have a wonderful view of the street from here. God has blessed everything that we have done here today! Today we woke up early from staying at a hotel in Muskogee, Ok. We made great time and arrived in Grandview around 12:30pm (lunchtime!). Then we made our way to the house that I am staying at and finalized my leasing agreement (in which God had his hand in; all utilities were included in the rent). I am staying with three other guys, who are leasing the house as well. One is a first year student and is my age, but I haven't met him yet. My first roommate Danny is 28, and does all the leasing and care for the landlord and basically runs the place, he's a really neat guy and has his heart set on the Lord and set on creating a good environment for those who live here. One of the other guys is Rich (thats his name) 30, and I haven't really talked to him yet but he seems like a really cool guy. And I am Joel Friedrich, 19 and I don't know what the full address is yet but I will find out soon enough. I love you all and I'm excited about what God has in store for me, and for others here at IHOPU. Please write back in the comments, I would love to hear back from you! God bless!


Aug 3, 2010

Maybe found a House!


I just got off the phone with a guy named Danny who is the guy who runs this house in ihop! First of all, his was my first choice and I just know that that's the one God wants me to be at! It sounds just like what I need, he kept talking and the more he talked the more I felt it was just perfect for me! I know that God is holding me so close to Him and He will never let me go! I'm His and there is nothing that can separate God's love for me! God is really working things out so very well! He is the best planner out of this world! He gives us all free will and still just knows everything! Awesome! Okay, well I'll talk to you guys later! Thank you so much for your prayers!
