Aug 11, 2010

Amazing Things!

Thank you so much friends for your prayers and support! I cannot begin to explain the things that have gone on in just the past two days! It has been some of the most incredible days of my life, and tomorrow will be day three! God has placed me in the center during this time and He has surrounded me with passionate people, men, and friends that are there to strengthen me, to encourage, and to help guide me as I follow the path that the Lord God Almighty has set before me! When I arrived in KC on Saturday I felt like I didn't know anybody here, but after tonight I just feel like I'm home, and these people around me are my family members. I can't wait to see what else will happen! Tonight the students were prayed for, for about two hours and it was just such an amazing power encounter with the Lord and the Holy Spirit was able to move in people and through them and give words and it was just such an amazing taste, to me, of what God has in store for all of us this year! I'm more excited about giving my existence and my mind, soul, and strength to God the Father and loving Him in all of those aspects. All I can say is that I want to thank you for your prayers and I encourage you to check out the Prayer Room tomorrow from 2 to 5 and you will witness what God is doing here. It is so powerful! Thank you again for your prayers and please just pray for me that I would have more energy and strength, and to have a greater capacity of heart and mind as I am flooded with the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord in this time! Thanks again! God bless!


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