Aug 9, 2010


Today was real chill. Woke up (late) ate breakfast, Eric and I went to the Prayer Room where my family was already. The Prayer Room is just so amazing, if you've never checked it out you can check it out live stream here. After that I met my dad and he gave me my new ultimate frizbee back cuz I left it at their hotel room. Then Eric and I left after being there for about an hour and forty five minutes. We got back home and I ate lunch and Eric went to get groceries. Then my family came to basically say goodbye, but they stayed and threw the frizbee around a little and planned their root on my laptop, and stole my printer (only because we couldn't get it to work so their taking it home, but since my sister Tiffany works for Dell we're hoping she can get us a deal on a new one. My family left after that... that was hard saying goodbye knowing I'm going to be 12 hours away and that this will be the first time to live away from home. But God is good and He has already given me new acquaintances (which hopefully in time turn into friends). After they left Eric and I went back to the prayer room for a while and met up with a friend of his named Joel who is doing an internship here at IHOP. Then we came home; I ate dinner (and took out the laundry) and now I'm listening to the Prayer Room, online! Well thank you all for your prayers and please continue to pray that tomorrow since that is orientation for me. And pray for my family to be safe as they go back home! I love you all! Thanks again, God bless!


1 comment:

  1. so glad to hear you are getting settled in your new home! I am excited for what God is doing there at IHOP and am eager to hear you share! Expecting great things!!
