Aug 7, 2010

My New Home


Praise the Lord, God is good! I'm writing from my new room in my new home! I live off of the corner of Walrond Ave. and St. Catherines Ln. and I have a wonderful view of the street from here. God has blessed everything that we have done here today! Today we woke up early from staying at a hotel in Muskogee, Ok. We made great time and arrived in Grandview around 12:30pm (lunchtime!). Then we made our way to the house that I am staying at and finalized my leasing agreement (in which God had his hand in; all utilities were included in the rent). I am staying with three other guys, who are leasing the house as well. One is a first year student and is my age, but I haven't met him yet. My first roommate Danny is 28, and does all the leasing and care for the landlord and basically runs the place, he's a really neat guy and has his heart set on the Lord and set on creating a good environment for those who live here. One of the other guys is Rich (thats his name) 30, and I haven't really talked to him yet but he seems like a really cool guy. And I am Joel Friedrich, 19 and I don't know what the full address is yet but I will find out soon enough. I love you all and I'm excited about what God has in store for me, and for others here at IHOPU. Please write back in the comments, I would love to hear back from you! God bless!


1 comment:

  1. Dude that is sick! Great hearing everything is fantastic. I'm glad you got a good roommate that is responsible and knows what he is doing. Keep the updates going!
