Aug 13, 2010

IHOPU Campus

I am Joel Friedrich and this is my IHOPU T-shirt that was free just like the love of Jesus Christ! Just kidding I had to pay for it indirectly but again it wasn't me who really payed for it. However, I am here in this picture. Oh the Lord really set me free from somethings that were holding me down that I didn't even know were. Last night we had our Awakening service which starts at 6:00pm, and to give you a hint of what went down, as I walked in people in the corner were already gettin' hit with the Holy Spirit and I didn't leave 'til midnight! Yes God did some wonderful things to me and I was able to feel His love for me for the first time in a looonng time! Praise the Lord! Today we got to visit our new IHOPU Campus although some parts are still in construction and let me tell you! woooweee! About a year ago IHOP heard prophetically that they were going to have a new campus for the IHOPU but for this to happen they knew they would need something like $10 million. A year later here we are in the present and God has provided for every cent and that is where I will go to school. Right now it is an intense thunder storm and I am watching the lightning and thunder, well listening to the thunder, with the lights off in my room spending alone time with the Lord. School has yet to start but I have already made friends who I feel like will be lifelong friends. When meeting other students here at IHOP there is no front put up, you can just jump into the stuff that is real when talking which makes friends so much faster. Everyone here is so cool! I can't wait for school. I was a little worried that I might not pass or I would do poorly, but then I was reminded that the Lord has brought me here, and He wouldn't bring me here to fail! Thank you so much for your prayers I miss home, my friends and family so much! And I miss YOU very much, yes you; who else do you think I'm talking to? YOU! haha sorry. Okay I'm going now, God bless!



  1. Joel! I read all your blog! Very exciting to hear all this from your perspective! You are a blessing to all who know you! May the Lord only increase your love and trust in Him, not in man, but in Him! God has a fabulous plan for you and I know He will reveal that to you during your time there at IHOP! I love you always! Love, Mom

  2. I am pretending the ending is just for me.
