Aug 20, 2010

Goodmorning Friends

lately I've been trying to go to sleep around 9:30-10:00 so that I can wake up early for my prayer room hours which are 6:00 to 9:30, Monday thru Thursday. But last night was the Awakening I didn't leave until almost 12:00. God is really moving in so many ways! I don't have the prayer room today but I have Mike Bickle's class today at 2:00 and then the Awakening is tonight again. The Awakening is every week Thursday thru Saturday and we're required to go, which is awesome, but I am very tired. But I'm so glad I didn't leave early because God really used me to touch others, which is really part of my role on earth if you know what I'm saying! We were made specifically to be with God the father, but because of the fall, and then Jesus conquering sin and death it is now our role to hasten the day that Jesus returns by reaching the nations and just touching God's people in whatever way He calls! Anyway sorry, but I've got to eat! Thank you all so much for your prayers and I will be praying for each of you, who are supporting me! God bless!


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